Potential Paralegals are trained on Relevant Laws, Counseling, Mediation, and Arbitration
It is obvious that we cannot always be everywhere all the time. It is within this backdrop that we identified some Justice and Peace Commission members from Parishes within the various Deaneries of the Archdiocese of Bamenda and trained them on their role as Paralegals, some Relevant Laws, and on practical techniques in Counseling, Mediation, and Arbitration.
This was in a One-Day Intensive Training that took place on the 17th of February 2016 at the Auto Data Resource Center, Cathedral Mankon, recording an attendance of 40 potential paralegals.
It had as objective to empower potential paralegals with skills that will enable them better provide basic legal assistance to the populations within their parishes, particularly the poor and the vulnerable.
Facilitated by the seasoned and multi-talented Justice Mrs. Awasom Florence, Vice President of the Administrative Court, North West Region, and the coordinator of the Service Laura Anyola Tufon, participants, amongst other issues, were schooled on Family, Land, Electoral, Civil, Criminal, Labour Laws and some procedures.
At the end of the training, participants were encouraged to come up with action plans which will help them to immediately commence their work as paralegals. They were equally encouraged not to hesitate to get to the office wherever they have any difficulties, while preparing their minds for a follow up training in the months ahead.