" Working for Justice and Peace is a Question of Balance."


32px-project-begeleiding-icon ONGOING PROJECT


The work of the Justice & Peace Commission contributes towards improving the living situation of the inhabitants of the Bamenda region through the promotion of respect for and compliance with civil and general human rights, democratic rules and the condemnation of corruption.

 It has three (03) Objectives;

1. Access to justice for vulnerable groups in the North West Region has improved
2. Local communities succeed in effectively combating Child Trafficking through improved organization
3. Youths are engaged in a constructive dialogue to solve conflict peacefully and fight discrimination

2020-2025 Strategic Plan, Justice & Peace Commission - Archdiocese of Bamenda

Posted in Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.


Executive Summary
0. Introduction

1. Vision, Mission, Guiding Values and Principles
i. Vision
ii. Mission
iii. Core Value
iv. Guiding Principles
v. Approaches

2. Contextual Analysis
i. Overview of the Archdiocese of Bamenda
ii. Priority Areas

3. Strategic Framework
i. Strategic Objectives
ii. Strategic Delivery Objectives
iii. Risk Analysis

4. Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning



The 5-Year Strategic Plan of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Bamenda is a significant milestone in contributing to the evangelical mission of Christ in the Local Church in serving the people of God. In designing this Plan much contributions came from staff, strategic partners, and stakeholders, which not only contribute to the quality of the document but also portrayed the collective effort and spirit of solidarity.

JPC has learnt and grown from the past 2 Strategic Plans and experiences, (2003-2009) and (2015-2020) and progressively balanced our deliverables to the people of the Archdiocese of Bamenda and beyond, and the institutional development of the Commission.

We see this Strategic Plan (2021-2020) as a journey to walk alongside the people we serve; to hold hands with our partners and not the least to trust in God for His guidance in reaching our vision and mission.

We clearly witness the relevance of the goal and objectives of this Plan and the JPC family puts strong faith and commitment to realize it.

May the good Lord bless our faith in action to serve the people of God especially the vulnerable and destitute in demand for justice through the promotion and protection of human rights while upholding the dignity of the human person, accompany individuals, families and communities in conflict with persons; systems and structures to engage in non-violent conflict transformation aimed at building sustainable peace and development for all in the Archdiocese of Bamenda and beyond.


The JPC Strategic Plan 2020-2025 commits us to our Catholic identity, intrinsic dignity and equality of every human person, and the sacredness of life from conception to natural death. We adhere to the principle of inclusion and non-discrimination, and ensure that services are provided to all regardless of their ethnicity, language, religion, gender age and other vulnerable members of our human family, guided by values of respect for human dignity, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. Social values of partnership, dialogue and exchange with and between people who live in situations of poverty and exclusion - in order to participate in their development, to conceive together with them solutions and programmes, to advocate together for the respect of their rights.

We are guided and aligned by the cardinal principles of the Catholic Social Teaching, and the Provincial Pastoral Plan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda.

This Strategic Plan will help provide guidance to the Archdiocesan Office to develop flexible programs based on available resources and the needs and aspirations of Parishes and communities in the territory of the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

The Archdiocese of Bamenda in the North West Region is going through a sociopolitical crisis that has morphed into an armed conflict operating within an emergency context, and the context has been further jeopardized by the CoVid-19 pandemic. This makes our strategy a living document and will be subject to regular review in response to changing global, national and local influences and emerging JPC strategy.



The JPC Strategic Plan 2020-2025, which follows is the result of a pre-evaluation of the last year of the previous Strategic Plan (2015-2020), concerted efforts by different actors especially boundary partners (those individuals and groups or organizations with whom JPC programs anticipates opportunities for influence - positive outcomes, but not particularly controlled by JPC), direct and indirect beneficiaries, and funding partners. The conception of the Strategic Plan has equally taken into consideration the views of the staff and Archdiocesan Commission members as well as other Pastoral workers in the Archdiocese of Bamenda not leaving out those of the JPC network at Provincial and National Levels.

The Strategic Plan (2020-2025) will provide guidance to the Archdiocesan Office to develop flexible programs based on available resources and the needs and aspirations of Parishes and communities in the territory of the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

Therefore, the goal and objectives designed for the period (2020-2025) shall be realized through the implementation of activities for a target population (beneficiaries), with the help of adequate human, financial and material resources, at a given time frame. Results, which shall be measurable, shall be clearly outlined at different levels of the results framework. And the means of verification of the results shall be clearly defined by the use of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework jointly developed by the stakeholders of the Plan and JPC staff the main program implementation team.

It is expected that the Service Head shall be the primary responsible and accountable officer either by program results or the judicious use of resources of the Service.

The following four chapters clearly lay out the Plan for the next five years.



“Charity in Truth, to which Jesus Christ, witnessed by his Life, Death and Resurrection, is the Principal and Extraordinary Driving Force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the fields of Justice, Peace and Integral Human Development. Love - Caritas- is the Heart of the Catholic Church’s Social Doctrine and Entrusted by Gospel, Charity is everything” Pope Benedict XVI – Caritas in Veritate (June 29, 2009).


The Justice and Peace Commission believes in a transformed society whose systems and structures as well as the attitudes and behaviour of peoples are respecting and promoting human dignity, equality, sustainable peace and development.


Dedicated to serve our people especially the poor, needy and marginalized by empowering them to work for justice, uphold human rights; accompany them in peace building, towards an integral human development in the light of the Gospel and the Social Teaching of the Church.
To serve: means to provide, care for, defend and protect the people. Service includes a wide range of activities depending on the needs and context. For example, providing Human Rights Protection, Awareness Raising, Conflict Management and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Programs, Counselling, Behaviour Change Activities, Witnessing, Advocating etc.

Our people: are the local communities within the Parishes and communities of the Archdiocese of Bamenda. Our support will be extended to everyone but most especially to the most vulnerable and those marginalized without any kind of discrimination; (gender, race, faith, ethnicity, geographical origin, etc....)

The poor, needy and marginalized: are the destitute and vulnerable groups of our society such as people suffering for lack of basic rights and services (physical, mental, psychosocial support, lack of voice, legal support etc.). They include Internally Displaced People, Prisoners, Disasters’ Victims, Victims of Human Trafficking, Ex-Combatants, etc.

Empowering: means supporting and enabling people to make their own decisions regarding their lives. All JPC actions will mostly be influenced by the decisions made by the people themselves.

Integrally developed: means the Parishioners and their communities are able to fully exercise all their rights and live their lives in dignity (physical, material, spiritual, social, political, cultural, intellectual and emotional dignity). It also means reducing vulnerabilities and strengthening resilience in harmony with nature.

The Social Teaching of the Church: Focus on the dignity of the human person is the basis of the JPC approach. Our work on behalf of the poor manifests God’s love for all of creation. We believe that the poor, deprived and oppressed are not objects of pity, but agents of change, leading the struggle to eradicate dehumanizing poverty, unacceptable living and working conditions and unjust social, political, economic and cultural structures.


Gospel: As part of the social commitment of the Church, we draw inspiration and raison d’être from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, from the living tradition of the Church’s Social Teaching, and from the experiences of the poor and socially excluded.

Dignity of the Human Person: We believe in the intrinsic dignity and equality of every human person and the sacredness of human life, from conception to natural death. We adhere to the principles of inclusion and non-discrimination, and ensure that services are provided equally to all population groups, regardless of ethnicity, language, religion, gender, age and any other vulnerable members of our human family.

Stewardship of GOD’S Creation: We believe the earth and its resources are entrusted to all human kind. As true stewards of creation, JPC seeks to act and inspire others to act in an environmentally sustainable way, so that nature will be preserved for future generations.

Justice: We work to facilitate access to justice for all, transform economic, social, political, and cultural structures that are opposed to a just society. We work to change this world into one where all can share in the gifts of creation and enjoy basic rights.

Promotion of Peace: JPC is working in conflict contexts and is involved with those affected people and actors influencing the conflict. A culture of conflict sensitivity and promoting peace is the basis of the JPC commitment upholding human rights, social cohesion, resilience building and advocacy.


Participation of all stakeholders: We endeavour to promote a culture of open dialogue, partnership, mutual respect and support from all stakeholders, and to support and strengthen the structures and sustainability of the network.

Quality (service delivery, impact, professionalism): JPC is governed and managed effectively through policies, systems, procedures and decision rights; are equipped with organizational and quality program practices, core competencies, approaches and methodologies for effective mission; engage and employ competent people at all levels.

Principle of Subsidiarity and Common Good: We are committed to the principle of subsidiarity, in line with Catholic Social Teaching. Subsidiarity, in turn, demands and leads to grassroots empowerment, popular participation, decentralized decision-making and equal partnership relations from Small Christian Communities, Mission Stations, Parishes, Deaneries and at the Archdiocesan Level.

Partnership: We support partnership within the JPC network at Provincial, National and other stakeholders that demonstrate a commitment to social justice and an overriding preferential option for the poor.

Accountability and Transparency: JPC works to ensure that its resources reach vulnerable people in the most effective, efficient and transparent way. We are committed to promoting and adhering to the highest standards of accountability in our work and through our projects. Increased transparency encourages more careful monitoring and leads to higher-quality data, which in turn results in more effective use of resources.


JPC uses the Pastoral Cycle of See, Judge, Act and Review method of work with the following approaches:

Rights Based Approach: JPC will look at the vulnerable as rights bearers. Human beings as God’s creatures are entitled to full dignity, which goes beyond covering basic needs, but requiring the fulfillment of their full capacities, potentialities and rights.

Empowering: Mobilizing and accompanying the poor and vulnerable so that they can stand on their own feet and defend their rights.

Advocating and Influencing: JPC will break out of the “culture of silence” and will speak out to defend the rights of marginalized people, informing and making JPC position clear and visible.

JPC advocacy work will be evidence based and supported with direct social action (programs and accompaniment). Advocacy work will be coordinated with other relevant Commissions of the Catholic Church looking for synergies in their work (e.g. CARITAS, Health Commission, and Family Life Apostolate to name just these).


Emerging from decades of structural injustice and negative peace, Anglophone Cameroon has become a hot bed of sociopolitical awareness in the country. In 2016-till date, the quest for a just national governance structure that takes into consideration the specific nature of educational and judicial heritage as well as infrastructural and economic development. The lack of such considerations for close to six decades has seen the population of the North West & South West Regions erstwhile known as the Southern Cameroons frustrated. Peaceful protests were met with a disproportionate response by jailing civil rights activists, internet shutdown and the use of life ammunitions on citizens by the government forces resulting to human casualties and loss of whole villages and homes as well as private and public properties. This initially led to the displacement of persons from the affected areas.

In response to this disproportionate use of force over civilians, armed groups cropped up to retaliate the violations. The consequences became dire as the armed groups multiplied leaving the regions in a deep humanitarian crises with more than a million displaced persons, schools and other educational institutions completely shutdown. Particularly in the Archdiocese of Bamenda that covers 5 of the 7 Administrative Divisions that make up the North West Region, less than 20% of public institutions are fully functional especially the decentralized judiciary that functions from the Regional Headquarters, health structures and classrooms are used as military base and hide outs of non state armed groups. Kidnappings for ransom and gross atrocities are committed by the military and armed groups as whole settlements and farmhouses are set on fire.

Most, if not all the structures that wielded a lot of power in the communities of the Archdiocese of Bamenda, like the Fondoms have been abandoned and desecrated, the Parishes and houses of worship are no better. Meaning that community structures have been disrupted.

According to Norwegian Refugee Council, the Anglophone crisis ranked top on the list of most neglected crises in the world (4 June 2019). UNICEF in its June 2019 report reveals that more than 80% of schools are shut down with over 600,000 children denied education, while others are drafted into armed groups. As of March 31st 2020 UNHCR reports that 1,751,875 persons have been displaced in Cameroon with more than 60% coming from the affected North West and South West Regions.

However, Government has made some efforts that are considered by hardliners on the Anglophone separatists as cosmetic. The creation of a Commission of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, the appointment of Anglophones as Ministers of Territorial Administration and Basic Education very first to have happened, the convening of a Grand National Dialogue, the prescription of a Special Status for both regions, the creation of Demobilization, Demilitarization & Reintegration (DDR) Centers and much more. Unfortunately, the conflict is still violent and the number of human casualties are abound. In the midst of this, Local Elections were organized with a turnout of less than 10% with the soldiers and militants of the ruling party as voters in most of the polling stations in the Archdiocese of Bamenda. This of course is a challenge to the credibility of the process and of the elected as they are not true representatives of the people.

The news of the CoVid-19 pandemic is even more devastating as the situation of most households with displaced persons has more than 12 persons living in squalid conditions with no measure of hygiene as prescribed by WHO, nor food to eat.

The next five years within such a grueling context demands more than just reactions but requires proactivity to abate calamity.


The subnational conflict is widespread and protracted with resolution unlikely in the current political context. JPC strategy to work within this context is to build a nexus between individual interventions and humanitarian responses like the protection of persons that integrate resilience approaches particularly to the displaced persons envisaging to return ‘home’, ex-combatants, children who have suffered grave violations as well as women victims and actors of the conflict.

JPC is a prominent Civil Society Organization with leverage in Human Rights Protection, Conflict Transformation and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, with an outstanding track record in its actions in the protection of the rights of the Child, and the outcome of the Bali-Bawock and Mbessa-Oku Conflicts. We conduct research on prominent concerns on human rights and violations in armed conflict. We equally run an Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit that is very relevant in the current and post context. JPC shall equally build on the excellent relationship with donor partners and equally create new and relevant partnerships important for the realization of this 5-Year Plan through well-aligned short, medium and long-term interventions.

The brief description of the context gives us room to identify priority areas of relevance that JPC intends to address during the next 5 years, which may not be too different from what has been focused on for the past years.

1. Vulnerable Groups are Supported to Uphold and Enjoy their Rights
2. Constructive Conflict Management and Peace Building
3. Democratic Governance and Participatory Decision-Making at all levels
4. Institutional Development and Organizational Strengthening



JPC Strategy is rooted in the Gospel and Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
JPC strongly believes that this strategy needs to be viewed and enacted as a social intervention that restores the dignity of human beings, rather than merely providing humble service to the vulnerable and marginalized.
The drivers of this JPC strategy are - Values of respect for Human Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, the Rule of Law, and Respect for Human Rights; Social Values of Partnership, Dialogue and Exchange with and between people who live in situations of poverty and oppression. These values will help JPC to participate in their development, to conceive together with them solutions and programmes, to advocate together for the respect of their rights.

Contribute to a Community where Rights of the Most Vulnerable are fully respected and Peace and Sustainable Development assured.



 Provide Support to Most Vulnerable Groups

Beneficiaries: Christians and God’s people in the Archdiocese of Bamenda especially; Persons in demand for justice and penitentiary centers, IDPs, women and children, Victims/potential victims and caregivers of human trafficking.

Expected Results




By December 2020


By June 2022

Long term

By December 2024

IDPs are protected

Vulnerable persons in demand for justice and others in penitentiary systems are assisted

Justice and peace workers, Paralegals and Human Rights monitors are empowered

Victims of Sexual & Gender-Based Violence are protected

Children are protected from abuse

-IDPs begin returning to their communities

-Many more are assisted

-Continue at a larger scale

-Victims speak out and ready to witness prosecution of perpetrators

Many more children are protected and are back to classrooms

-Communities spirit builds up

-Justice Mechanisms improved and access to justice facilitated for all

-Community members consult Paralegals and human rights monitors

-Community protection systems emerge to support victims

-Children speak out to their parents and teachers when in danger of abuse or when they have been abused

JPC Access to Justice team

Lead paralegals and HRM

Service Head

Service Head

Output Indicators

Output Indicators

Output Indicators

-Number of civil document produced and copies filed in the office

-Reports on visits to the prison and to the Judicial department. 

-At least 10 cases of child abuse handled

-Number of Returnees


Number of Court Judgments

-Evaluation reports available

-Support groups formed

-Child predators punished

-Child Protection Policy encouraged in all Services




*Assist IDPs to acquire civil documentation lost as a result of the armed conflict

*Provide Legal assistance to at  least 100 inmates awaiting trial at the Bamenda Central Prison and 20 with casework

*Provide legal assistance to at least 100 persons in demand for justice

*Identify and assist 10 victims of SGBV with immediate health and referral to appropriate services

*Train paralegals and Human Rights monitors

*Monitor Human Rights violation

*Produce State of Human Rights Report on Specific and Systematic Violations within the framework of the ongoing conflict

-Organize child protection seminars with parents and caregivers, and local government authorities

*Organize social cohesion activities in identified communities

*Conduct training in 4 prisons on human rights and judicial process

*Activity to continue

*Training continues

*Activity continues

Justice proceedings for child offenders engaged




 Total Engagement in constructive Conflict Management and Peace Building.

Beneficiaries: Parish J&P Workers, Service Heads (Family Life Apostolate), Women, Men, Youth, Traditional Rulers and Council Members, Religious Leaders, Mayors and Administrators.

Expected Results




By December 2020


By June 2022

Long term

By December 2024

*Violence prevented through early response to and constructive management of conflicts

*Traditional dispute/Conflict management mechanisms enhanced and documented

*Traditional rulers leverage their potentials

*Constructive dialogue for peace begins enhancing an environment of fair and peaceful coexistence

*Actors of the Anglophone conflict begin refraining from violence

*Victims show readiness to dialogue

*Peace and reconciliation forums operate at Deanery Levels

*Women take active roles in peace processes.

*Traditional rulers constitute a Peace Unit

*Communities are compassionate to actors of violence

Spaces for dialogue created

Service Head with assistance from

Partners and Potential Partners

British High Commission Cameroon

*Berghof Foundation Germany

*Fredriech Herbert Foundation Cameroon

Canadian High Commission

US Embassy Cameroon

Archbishop, College of Consultors, Archdiocesan Curia

Output Indicators

Output Indicators

Output Indicators

*The Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter NOW IS TIME FOR PEACE is put to use effectively

*Communities are able to identify conflict early waning signals.

*Respond to signals or refer to JPC or other competent bodies at their level

*Communities are organized

*Dialogue sessions multiply at community level

*Women Peace Committee members take active roles

*Number of Actors and victims of Anglophone conflict willing to engage in dialogue

*Social Cohesion built and communities become resilient

*Interreligious Dialogue for Peace Emerge

*A Council of the Wise Initiated




*Organize reflection sessions with different services and groups

*Design training packages for different groups.

*Accompany groups to design Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Frameworks

*Organize training in conflict management

*Develop a comprehensive Peace Education Manual

*Train relay agents and facilitators to continue community mobilization and awareness raising

*Conduct an After Action Review (AAR) for each activity carried out

*Collect data on traditional dispute resolution mechanisms

*Create space for traditional rulers to conduct a SWOT analysis of their Fondoms

*Prepare training sessions with traditional Rulers

*Conduct training with traditional rulers and their council members

*Create more functional Women Peace Committees

*Conduct an After Action Review (AAR) for each activity carried out

*An Archdiocesan Reconciliation Day is organized

*Support different groups for peace that emerge

*Conduct an After Action Review (AAR) for each activity carried out



Promote an Inclusive Participatory Governance and Decision-Making at all levels

Beneficiaries: Parish Priests, Parish Pastoral Councils, Local Government Institutions, Traditional Councils, Men, Women, Youth and Children, Persons Living With Disabilities

Expected Results




By December 2020


By June 2022

Long term

By December 2024

*Parish Pastoral Councils develop more inclusive memberships

*Women and girls, youth and persons living with disabilities take active part in decision making in the different structures of the Church

*Women, Youth and people living with disabilities become more conscious of their role in community strengthening

*Election into different positions in the Church develop inclusive strategies

*A vibrant and inclusive governance structure at all levels in the Archdiocese of Bamenda

*A vibrant Archdiocese where everyone feels part and parcel of its growth.

*Vibrant and peace loving communities with concern for all emerge

Output Indicators

Output Indicators

Output Indicators

Number of women and persons living with disabilities actively engaged in leadership roles in church and at different community structures

At least 40% female leadership in Parish Pastoral Councils in the Archdiocese of Bamenda

Best practice shared to different communities and structures

Sustainable development facilitated by a rights-based approach in an inclusive governance spirit




*Conduct a survey on Church documents to back up action

*Conduct training on the benefits of an inclusive governance structure with families and other groups

*Organize radio programs

*Accompany parishes in preparing elections

*Assist in the development of policies and procedures for Services and other Institutions



Proper Organization of Justice and Peace Service

Beneficiaries: All JPC Staff, All JPC Commission Members, Beneficiaries of Services Provided

Expected Results




By December 2020


By June 2022

Long term

By December 2024

JPC is a more effective and efficient organization, with improved systems and processes, well managed resources

Updated Policies and Procedures are available

High quality human resource engaged

*A befitting office structure is constructed to adequately host staff and all essential units of the Service.

Office inaugurated and put to use

Work environment is enhanced

Open mobile offices at parish level

At least 7 mobile offices go operational

Archbishop, Service Head and Partners




Safeguarding policies and operating procedures are revised

Accompany other Services to develop operating procedures.

Procurement of Office equipment

Negotiate with deans on possible parishes to engage in mobile office activities



Ensure Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

This 5-Year Plan shall be further developed into full proposals with detailed implementation Plan (DIP) for each year clearly spelt out. Planning shall be conducted at the start of each project or program together with stakeholders so that a proper monitoring and evaluation framework is developed.

Monitoring shall be an ongoing exercise in which all staff, implementing partners and stakeholders particularly beneficiaries shall be involved. Evaluation shall be carried out periodically as shall be agreed by the all parties involved in implementation as well as Archdiocesan Administration and funding partners. This is to ensure that expected results are achieved within the envisaged timeframe. In the course of monitoring and evaluation, major changes may occur in order to influence decision for better results.

Lessons learnt and best practices shall be shared and ameliorated.

Justice & Peace Supports 10 Female IDPs with Start Up Capital

Posted in Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

JPS Supports some Female Internally Displaced Persons(IDPs) with Startup Capital for Income Generating Activities (IGAs); a major step in its Early Recovery Programme from the ongoing Armed Conflict in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.

This comes after Business Plans submitted to the JPS Office by these IDPs were analyzed, monitoring visits made to their respective business site for assessment, and they all trained on Bookkeeping; entrepreneurial skills very necessary for business and financial management.

Accounts were all opened for these beneficiaries and each credited with the startup capital. So far, all of them have made theirn first withdrawals and are already putting them into use.

Remarkably, within the first two (2) months, some of them are already making deposits into their accounts. An indication of a good start and a promising future.

Monitoring visits continue to take place so as to ensure that these resources are effectively put into use, first for the benefit of these IDPs (Direct Beneficiaries), their households, the communities where they live, and in the future, for the benefit of other IDPs identified (Indirect Beneficiaries).


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JPS Organizes Reflection Workshop on Women; Audience & Influence

Posted in Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

Held on the Thursday 23rd of July 2020 at the Auto Data Center, Big Mankon, this work brought together women from different walks of life; Buyam Sellam, Dressmakers, Housewives, etc, and from different religious backgrounds.
Facilitated by Rose Obah, a Media & Peacebuilding Consultant, the reflections aimed at improving on the content and capacity of the voice, space and influence of these grassroots women in initiating, promoting and effectively participating in peace processes.
Reflecting on various conflict management approaches, strategies, the Archbishop's Pastoral Letter 'NOW IS THE TIME FOR PEACE', and sharing their own experiences, etc. participants saw themselves as key stakeholders in the peace process relating to the ongoing Armed Conflict in the North West & South West Regions of Cameroon.
Going back to their respective families, walks of life, meetings, church groups, etc, participants with a changed mindset and more knowledge of their role in peacebuilding processes promised continuing this process of enlightenment, while contributing in building peaceful and non-violent communities.

Team JPS Visits Emeritus Archbishop, His Grace Cornelius Fontem Esua

Posted in Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

This took place on Friday 17th July 2020 at the Immaculate Conception Cottage just below the Archbishop's House. It was made on the basis of the fact that His Grace Cornelius F. Esua has been the longest serving Archbishop with whom we as a Service have worked. So, on his retirement, it is imperative for us to know where he lives, and share the joy of experiencing his special touch to our work.
Being joyful with the visit, His Grace could not hold it but had these heart-touching words to express this; “LOVE HAS NO BOUNDARIES." He thanked the team for its services to the Church, and added; 'What is Worth Doing Should be Done.'
While he asked us, ‘Pray for All of Me,' he offered us symbolic gifts, among them, this piece of work by Reverend Father Cheo Gregory Ngwa, ‘Cornelius Fontem Esua, A Man of Vision and Action.’
We had a common meal with His Grace, amidst fun and memorable stories.

Workshop on the Rights-Based Approach to Conflict Management & Peacebuilding is Organized with Youths

Posted in Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups in the Archdiocese of Bamenda.

Within the context of the ongoing Armed Conflict which has had a firm grip over the North West Region in particular, and English-Speaking Cameroon in general, the Justice & Peace Commission continues to look for avenues through which it can significantly contribute to restoring peace in this locality.

On the 12th of June 2020, it organized a reflection workshop with over 20 young people, coming from the Muslim, Presbyterian, Baptist and Catholic denominatoions to brainstorm on individual & collective efforts which can be effectively put in place by themselves, for both young and old within their respective communities as meassures to mitigate the effects of the conflict, and why not contribute to its end.

These young people were drilled on the basic concepts of Justice, Conflict, & Peacebuilding, and the value the Rights-Based Approach adds to Conflict Mitigation.

Another key presentation focused on; How Can Youths Contribute to Facilitate the Peace Process in Cameroon? It encouraged and build their capacities as key actors in peacebuilding processes to assert their place on the table and be able to make informed decisions on whatever issues that affect their welbeing.

As a key tool for this journey, the Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Andrew F. Nkea was also reflected upon by these young people, with copies hand over to each of them.

This working session facilitated by Pedmia Shuta Tita (Peace & Conflict Transformation Trainer) ended with this Take Home Message to participants:

“Making peace ultimately requires the firm commitment and extraordinary courage, on the part of all sides, to ensure a permanent end to violence.”

                 Kofi Annan, October 2011.

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