The Justice and Peace Service of the Archdiocese of Bamenda; general coordinator of the Bamenda Ecclesiastical Province Prison Apostolate Network (BEPPAN) organized a 3-day training on MEASURING CHANGE/RESULTS.
Participants were members of the BEPPAN Network comprising of prison chaplains and the Justice and Peace Commission workers from each of the 4 Dioceses (Buea, Kumbo, Mamfe and Bamenda).
The training was an activity within a common project titled; ‘Promoting and Enforcing the Respect for Human Rights in Prisons in the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda’ which is being implemented at a provincial level. Its objective was to strengthen the capacities of BEPPAN Members on how to observe and measure change in a project particularly the project in question through properly designed Results/Performance Measurement Framework. The expected outcomes of it were for BEPPAN members to understand the dynamics of Results-Based Management and are able to properly measure changes/results gathered from activities implemented within the project.
The modules of the workshop introduced participants to some general issues that are linked to a project and the organization; mission, vision, plan, program and project. In order to measure change and outcome of a project, participants were equally drilled on project conception and design. To attest changes in a project, they were given some basic tools to measure in the ladder of results chain or impact chain like: outcomes, output, inputs, indicators, means of verification, and the frequency of data collection. In the course of the workshop, there were some demonstrations in the form of group works and presentations.
This training which wasfrom 18th to 20th August 2015 was facilitated by a veteran Consultant, Mr. FonNsoh of the Community Initiative for Sustainable Development (COMINSUD), Bamenda. It took place at the Pastoral Centre Kumbo Diocese.
It all ended with a practical exercise at the Kumbo Principal Prison where participants had the opportunity to witness the changes which the project has impacted on the inmates of that prison.