Specific objective 5 of the above mentioned project states; ‘reintegration of inmates is improved through acquisition of skills development leading to income generating activities.’ The main activity under this objective is to engage inmates in skills development, thereby preparing them for successful reintegration into the society after serving their prison terms.
The skills they would acquire would enable them to also get involve in income generating activities which will go a long way to improve on their standard of living. The skills development programme is diversified and dynamic in such a way that it is better adapted to the different prison environments. It includes trainings in shoe mending and cobbling, soap making, tailoring, plantation agriculture, Poultry farming, gardening, pig faming and electrical repairs.
With 2015 being the second year of implementing this project, the above mentioned activities are a continuation of what started last year in the 5 prisons (Bamenda, Fundong, Wum, Ndop, and Mbengwi) within the jurisdiction of the Archdiocesan Justice and Peace Service.
So far, during this second year of project implementation, inmates have been engaged into skills development activities as follows; The Bamenda Central Prison inmates are busy with shoe mending and cobbling, electrical repairs, and waving. Fundong principal prison got involve in plantation agriculture with 555 plantain suckers, 320 guava seedlings and 1600 bitter leaf stems planted on half hectare of land offered by the prison authority. WumPrincipal Prison is occupied with tailoring with 3 sewing machines /accessories and a seasoned trainer provided for them. Mbengwi Principal Prison is engaged in poultry farming with 80 chicks, feed and other items made available to them with the help of a veterinary doctor from the Penitentiary Administration, North West Region. Plans are underway for poultry farming to go operational in the NdopPrincipal Prison.
The above activities in the long run will be beneficial not only to the Prisons but also to their neighborhoods as the produce from the various activities can be sold and the money use for other activities for the interest of the inmates/prisons.