The project was aimed at contributing to the fight against corruption poverty alleviation through training the grassroots populations in good governance practices and respect for human right and peaceful coexistence. Outcomes: 605 trained paralegals as social mediators; opened and equipped 7 Paralegal units in 7 council areas in the North West Region.
Countering Human Trafficking in Cameroon
Posted in Governance and Human Rights in the North West Region.
This project saw the coming together of actors working to counter human trafficking in Cameroon.
STATUS (Completed) A sporadic training of actors working to counter human trafficking in Cameroon 2009 by AHNAT with support from SR. Patricia of COSUDOW Nigeria.
Rehabilitating Women Victims of Trafficking in the Archdiocese of Bamenda
Posted in Governance and Human Rights in the North West Region.
This project was an upshot of previous projects to end Child Trafficking where women were identified who were trafficked as children and who by no choice of theirs had ended up working on the street as a means of livelihood. In collaboration with the Catholic Women’s Association, CWA, 32 women were identified and 20 and rehabilitated. They formed a support group “Nazareth Sisters”. They then became leaders and are now major actors in the struggle against modern day slavery.
STATUS (Completed) A 12 months project with sponsorship from CMC-Netherlands 2008-2009

Combatting Child Trafficking in the North West Province
Posted in Governance and Human Rights in the North West Region.
The goal of this project was to contribute to combatting child trafficking through the creation of a CHILD PROTECTION UNIT. Outcomes: a survey was conduct and major source area of victims was established. 20 victims turned survivors were rehabilitated in the formal education sector and vocational training respectively.
STATUS: (Completed) Sponsored by the British High Commission-Yaoundé, Cameroon for a period of 12 months.

Pilot project to end child trafficking in the Archdiocese Of BAMENDA
Posted in Governance and Human Rights in the North West Region.
The project was aimed at identifying children victims and potential victims in 2 administrative divisions of Boyo and Mezam within the Archdiocese of Bamenda and prepare them for rehabilitation. Outcomes: 11 children victims were identified in Fingie in Tubah Sub-Division of Mezam Division and 20 in Mbessa, Belo Sub-Division of Boyo Division.
STATUS: (Completed) Sponsored by the Catholic Relief Services CRS- Cameroon Programme in 2006 – 2007.