The JPC in a ceremony on Friday, the 27th of March 2015at the AutoData Resource Centre Big Mankon handed over start-up equipment (Sewing Machines and Accessories) to four (4) TIP survivors LumLesline, Kang Mildred, Bih Blessing and Sang Marceline.
The Capacity Building Officer (CBO) in his word of welcometo the TIP Survivors, their parents/guardiansand the JPC Vigilante Committee (VC) Coordinator for Mbakong, Bafut Subdivision during this occasion gave a briefing on the Trafficking Project. He congratulated the TIP Survivors for successfully making it through their training. The CBO ended by calling on the parents to be very supportive to these children so that the equipment that would be handed to them are well taken care of, and would be fruitful to them and other survivors that may be identified in the future.
The survivors, like their parents/guardians, and the JPC VCCoordinator each in their words of thanksgiving were overwhelmed with joy for the support these childrenhad constantly received from the JPC for about four years. They thanked the JPC for the relentless support they have had so far, and pledge to judiciously make use of this start-up capital.
On a very serious note, the survivors and their parents also pledged to join the VC Coordinator to continue being JPC Ambassadors in their communities and would use especially their workshops to contribute to stamping out this heinous crime in their communities.
At the end of the ceremonies, the JPC assured the supported TIP Survivors that follow up would be constantly made to ensure that the equipment received are properly managed.