This took place on Saturday the 14th of November 2020 at the Auto Data Center, Big Mankon, facilitated by Mme. Mbianga Shalotte, JPC Archdiocesan Chairperson, and Mme. Diana Kume, Chairperson of the Commission in St. Theresa Parish, Azire, with support from the Justice and Peace Service.
It came as a follow up commitment taken at an earlier workshop on Stress Management, Trauma Healing and Resilience that took place from Wednesday 18th to Sunday 21st October 2020, facilitated by experts from Mission 21.
As the population of the Archdiocese in particular, and that of English Speaking Cameroon in general continues to be overwhelmed with the negative effects of the ongoing Armed Conflict, added to the usual pressures of meeting their day-to-day needs, this workshop had as raison d’être, to multiply the message and skills gained on managing stress to other stakeholders of the Commission so that a multiplier effect can in tend be achieved.
This, in all, is another attempt of the Commission to begin to put in place early recovery measures which are very necessary to curb the effects of the war on the physical, emotional, intellectual, as well as the spiritual well-being of community members so that they can always be able to fish for themselves, rather than always given fish whenever we get to post conflict.
The workshop was very interact and interspersed with fun activities and games, added to exercises that made participant laugh and play, thereby relaxing and relieving themselves from the burdens of life, which must only be managed than allowed to deal with them.
It ended with participants elaborating their individual stress management plans and taking commitments to work towards realizing them. The JPS on its part, assured them its unflinching support to this regards wherever there is a challenge